As with all forms of signposts that we look for or try to put in place in order to help us through this thick soup of life, meditation has become the panacea of choice for many truth seekers. But just for a moment, step away and survey this signpost and consider the attachment that you have placed on it. It starts to look a little murky – it’s definitely a powerful and effective tool to help us navigate our mind and spirit but there's some trickery there because we, in our finite wisdom and infantile need for security, have given it an emotional value. This is antagonistic to the fundamental truth that everything is impermanent. Of course, I'm not advocating NOT meditating. On the contrary, it has proven to be my key to sanity and clarity. But once in a while, especially when I'm about to suggest its benefits to anyone, I have to stop and ask myself if I have logged meditation into my hoarding of spiritual materialism. Just a thought.